Projects I’m Proud Of

DigiDance – Performed by Thomas Warfield

For this performance, I designed the controls, the spotlight that follows the dancer, focusable light channels and operated the project during the performance utilizing Perceptron Neuron for motion capture, and Unreal Engine 4 for the rest of the performance.

For this project, I worked with a partner to implement a particle system in the framework used for the Barn Scene below. Utilized GPU instancing of objects for rendering. Recorded using WSL2 in Windows 10.

Particle System – C++/OpenGL

For this project, I worked with a partner to implement a particle system in the framework used for the Barn Scene below. Utilized GPU instancing of objects for rendering. Recorded using WSL2 in Windows 10.

Ray Tracer – C++

See here for breakdown. A ray tracer written in C++, mimicking Ward’s original paper. Written for a Global Illumination course. Uses an Object Oriented approach.

Barn Scene – C++/OpenGL

This project had us recreate a photo of a barn from Flickr using C++, OpenGL, matrix and image loading libraries of our choice (glm, SOIL), and also includes some simple animations.

Mapper – Java

This project is initialized with a set of intersections that make up Monroe County, NY. Run as-is, the code will take that set, display it, find the Minimum-Weight Spanning tree and chart the shortest path between two arbitrarily selected nodes. The user can choose to enter any pair of nodes, and/or a different set of intersections.

ColorNumbers – iOS

This project is a simple iOS app that allows the user to randomly generate a color swatch, or select the RGB values, and dynamically reports the HTML hex code for that color.

MeSeeHero – iOS

This project is an iPad app that allows users to save sightings of their heroes in an editable list. The app has users enter their location, a photo of the area, selected from the camera roll, the date and a description. Selecting the image randomly places the hero in the image.

PokeNumbers – iOS

This is a universal iOS app that uses Pokemon menu sprites to generate nonogram (a.k.a. picross) puzzles. There are 3 difficulty levels, and each completed puzzle adds the description of the Pokemon to the PokeDex. Failing pops up an animation. Puzzles can be reset. This makes use of PokeAPI.

Schizophrenic Neural Network – MATLAB

This neural network is a language classifier. When fed sentences, it identifies the words fed in, as well as their grammatical purpose. After pruning a percentage of connections, the network’s performance drops off, and it begins to insert words into empty spaces. This is a replication of the work done in Hoffman et. al. (1995)

Hoffman, Ralph E., et al. “A neural network simulation of hallucinated “voices” and associated speech perception impairments in schizophrenic patients.” Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 7.4 (1995): 479-496.

Circuit Diagrammer – C

This project takes in a list of circuits, outputs the connections, and then prints the truth tables for the circuits.

Expression Parser (recursive descent) – C

This parser reads simple arithmetic expressions and parses out the operations using a recursive descent parser.

Malloc – C

This is a simple implementation of malloc, attempting to make an individual implementation with instructor-provided heap and sbrk functions.

Simple Shell – C

This is a simple UNIX shell that handles threads and processes, as well as basic shell functions, such as ls, bg, fg, echo, jobs, sleep and interrupts like CTRL+C.

Code Bomb Defusal – C

For this project, we were given a “bomb” that used an overflowable input function. Using a disassembler, we were tasked with defusing the bomb by forcing it to jump to different parts of its code, triggering the passing grade function for each section.

More to come!